Jump Scare

The horror-loving podcast that sees it coming

Jump Scare

Episode 10: “Be kind and rewind, my dudes” — VHS

March 19, 2020

It’s the final episode of our Found Footage arc! We’ve spanned decades of horror to arrive at the grimy weirdness of VHS (2012, from Brad Miska and Bloody Disgusting). This movie grew out of the website Bloody Disgusting, and has that same frat-bro horror energy you know we love. For this episode, we’re drinking Angry Orchard cider, but we highly recommend getting your hands on a 2007-era Four Loko if you can. 

Follow Jump Scare on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Email us at JumpScarePod@gmail.com to suggest new movies or arcs! 

Edited by Aaron Souza  // Hosted by Shanyce Lora and Will Redden

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